BT.Finance Launch

BT Finance
2 min readDec 2, 2020


BT.Finance-harvest the Best and sustainable yield for Tokens


BT.Finance is a smart DeFi yield aggregator based on ethereum ecosystem, targets the best and sustainable yield for tokens.

The Vaults are divided into 3 pools as Stable Profits Pool, High Yield Pool and Smart Hybrid Pool to all users with various risk tolerances. The BT Vault v1 is to earn $CRV $SUSHI $PICKLE $BADGER $LDO $BAS $MIS $FXS from other excellent DeFi yield aggregators and platforms, thanks for their innovative products and hard work .

BT Vault

Vault is divided into 3 pools as Stable Profits Pool, High Yield Pool and Smart Hybrid Pool to all users with various risk tolerances. The BT Vault v1 is to earn $pickle tokens from and $Farm tokens from, thanks for their innovative products and hard work.


Security is our first priority, Most of our code comes from YFI and Uniswap, our developers have tested and checked the code many times to ensure security, audit still pending With PeckShield,the report will come out in January, use at your own risk,you can check the code and contract from our Github.

We will also have buy insurance from DeFi insurance platforms such as Nexus Mutual and Cover Protocol besides the third-party security audit.

BT Token And Distribution

BT token is the governance token for BT Finance. 20% of of yield farming revenue will be used to buy back $BT token.

The total supply of 270000 BT tokens will be completely distributed with no pre-mining, no pre-sale, and no mint.

·210,000 Yield Farming

·40,000 Dev Fund(Simultaneously Releasing with Minning)

·10,000 Gov Fund ( Security Audit,Insurance Fund And Others)

·10,000 Operations

Emission: with a 2.7% reduction from the prior week until week 105, check the emission table for details.


We are a community run project, we believe in gradual decentralization and aim to turn the protocol into a DAO over time, will make BT.Finance as decentralized and trustless as possible.

Currently votes are managed on, after community vote takes place, the multi-sig signers must sign the transaction to make it live.

Gov Forum and Discord is a Discourse for having focused discussions on improvement of BT Finance.

Snapshot is used to vote for BT Improvement Proposals (PIPs). BT/ETH liquidity providers (see Farms) enhanced the power to shape the future of the protocol.

Get more info from our docs.

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